Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets!

Caregiver Stories and Learning from Others

Episode 37

Rayna Neises, ACC, host, and Aly Neises, RN, cohost, reflect on the conversation with Diane Clark who shared how grateful she was to have been able to care for her father and her father-in-law. When thinking back, she would not change much about her journey, but she knows she should have taken more respite time for herself and wants others to ensure that they do. Additional insights discussed are:

      • A caregiver is only as good as the care that you give yourself
      • It is a joy and privilege to be able to care for the elderly and to be there to walk them all the way home
      • At times we think to care for our emotional and mental health, but it is equally as important to take care of our physical health
      • Monitor your physical health the same as you would in any high-stress job
      • Respite is taking time away, but it needs to be time spent decompressing and then being able to return to the caregiving situation with a new freshness
      • Options for Respite:
          • Family
          • Friends
          • Neighbors
          • Church
          • College Students
          • Teenagers
          • Daycare
          • Outside Agencies
          • Areas of Aging Offices
          • Companion Care
          • Nursing Students
          • You are just as important as the person you are caring for

Your turn, share your thoughts . . .


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Meet Your Hosts

Rayna Neises, ACC

Your Host

An ICF Certified Coach, Pod-caster, Author & Speaker, offers encouragement, support and resources to those who are in a Season of Caring for Aging Parents.

Her passion is for those caring and their parents, that they might be seen, not forgotten & cared for, not neglected.

Rayna Neises & Aly Neises

Aly Neises, RN

Your Co-Host

A registered  nurse, has worked in healthcare for over ten years. Currently she is a case manager for hospice taking care of terminally ill patients and their families.

Her passion is to help and care for others.

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Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring