Blog~Resources for Caring
With hardly any thought at all, you can probably say whether, in your family of origin, you played the role of the responsible one or the rebel, the people pleaser or the mascot. Roles serve an organizing function. In a family, roles sort out each person’s...
Blog~Resources for Caring
Saying, “No,” is hard. I get it. Saying no to an aging or ill parent as an adult caretaker is even harder. It can be downright heartbreaking! No one wants to say no, but sometimes it has to be done. During a season of caring, we sometimes must do what’s best for our...
Blog~Resources for Caring
Anyone who has ever been in a relationship has had to deal with financial concerns, whether that relationship was with a spouse, partner, parent, roommate or friend. However, talking about money can bring up uncomfortable feelings, especially when we have assumptions...
Blog~Resources for Caring
What does gratitude have to do with caring for an aging parent? That is a great question. The journey of caring is full of ups and downs and can often last much longer than we expect. Gratitude can have a significant impact on your journey. The practice of gratitude...
Blog~Resources for Caring
I want to take a few moments to just address the crazy that we’re living in in this world today. How did things get so crazy so fast? When I think about how difficult it must be to be a family caregiver right now, my heart breaks for you. It really does. When I think...
Blog~Resources for Caring
Are you a typical family caregiver? Most often I find that I don’t fit the mold, how about you? I did find the information about the typical family caregiver interesting. For example, I was suprised to see that the average caregiver is 49 years old. It was not...