Loving Beyond

Have you had the experience of going way beyond what you imagined you could?

When I was in High School I played Volleyball? and I will never forget the workouts. My Freshman year I was sure I would die. No joke.

We ran, threw up and ran some more.  I adored my coach but she pushed me physically much further than I could ever imagine I could do.

How about you?  Have you thought you found the end of your physical ability only to be pushed past that place?

I look back on those days and remember I would have given up and never learned the extent to which I could push myself. I gave ?% and then some and I did make it!  My coach knew I would even when I didn’t.

I often think of the time I spent caring for my dad in the same way.

There were many weeks that I was tired and just wanted to stay home or I was so frustrated, I wasn’t sure how to keep providing the best care for him.

BUT I was able to keep showing up and loving him.

? Love was the most important thing I needed to bring to him in each and every interaction.

The journey of caregiving was longer than I first imagined but I’m thankful for the time I had to show Love to my dad when he needed it the most.

At times even Loving him beyond what I thought was possible!

Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring