Glyniss states “
God never meant for me to live non-stop. God made work and rest in perfect symmetry. We were created and commanded to work AND rest." Figuring out what that symmetry is the challenge and what she addresses in this book.
One area she addresses as a cause of harmful busyness is a wrong identity.
When our identity is not found in Jesus we are often just one mistake away from going into overdrive to compensate. Therefore that roller coaster of identity took her on a wild ride for years.
When pursuing your identity in the things you accomplish sets you up to HAVE to keep doing. Even when you accomplish something great it is only a short a while before you have to get after the next project.
In contrast when you assign the source of your value and worth to God you will be freed from the fear of failure and opinions of others. “The only thing that matters is what our heavenly father thinks about us and that is unchanging.”
Glyniss explores other reasons people stay busy for the wrong reasons and then moves on to what the right kind of busy is. She explores physical rest and how some of our thoughts about being busy can affect our ability to rest.
From there she explores how physical rest leads us to
Spiritual rest.
Glyniss states that Spiritual rest “happens when we stop striving.” Stopping the striving allows us to find a deep sense of confidence. Confidence that no matter what comes our way God is on the throne and He will not forget us.
Doing Busy Better goes on to: Explore ways to rest and the enemies of it. Presents how hurry is a heart conditions. Lay out 5 questions to ask yourself to determine your core responsibilities, that helps us know what to stop to put an end to doing too much. Also a challenge to implement a sabbath day and some of our mindsets that get in the way of this commanded practice.
Last I will leave you with one of my favorite quote,
“The abundant life Jesus offers is not abundant with work but with love.”
I would love to hear your thoughts on this book. Be sure to leave your comments on my blog.