Caregiving for my dad was a special season in my life. It was filled with challenges, heartaches, laughter, joy and faith growing season in my life. Since you are still in your caring season you might not use these words to discribe your life right now, but I am confident they will come.

Caring for someone with dementia can be so trying. Many times, when I asked my dad to do something he would say, “Sure.” but then not do it. It was so hard to understand. In the moment, I just wanted to get done what we were trying to do wither it be get out the door, head to bed, or take his medicaitons. There were so many times I just couldn’t understand what was happening in his brain.

I’m thankful I learned to take a deep breath, say a prayer, walk away and try again in a few minutes. Growing in “Patience” was definitley one of the things I had to exercise during my caregiving season. This verse in Ephesians took on a whole new meaning to me. “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”


How well do you handle the curve balls that are a part of being a caregiver every day?

If you need more help than a few tips then let’s talk and see if coaching is a good fit for you!



Rayna Neises, ACCRayna Neises understands the joys and challenges that come from a season of caring. She helped care for both of her parents during their separate battles with Alzheimer’s over a thirty-year span. She is able to look back on those days now with no regrets – and she wishes the same for every woman caring for aging parents.

To help others through this challenging season of life, Rayna has written No Regrets: Hope for Your Caregiving Season, a book filled with her own heart-warming stories and practical suggestions for journeying through a caregiving season. Rayna is an ICF Associate Certified Coach with certifications in both Life and Leadership Coaching from the Professional Christian Coaching Institute.

She is prepared to help you through your own season of caring. Learn more at and connect with Rayna on FacebookLinkedIn, and Instagram.

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Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring